Small contribution.
Big impact.

Donate as little as $1 a day to start
changing someone’s life, as well as yours.

the Rambam's dilemma:

Is it better to give $1000 to one person, or $1 to 1000 people?

Introducing daily dollar

daily dollar

Daily Dollar was founded to enrich and connect the lives of those who need support with those who can offer support.

Our vision is to make giving charity frequent, conscious and simple.

This is achieved through daily donations, frequent updates to the Daily Dollar community, and an extensive due diligence process to ensure that your dollars have the greatest impact.

With the power of community, a small daily donation from many can be tremendously impactful and truly make the world a better place.

dollars raised (annualised)
dollars donated (annualised)

daily dollar brings the Rambam’s philosophy to life.

He explains that it is better to give $1 to 1000 people, because doing so can influence the donor’s character, permeating into their thoughts and ultimately actions to the point where generosity, gratitude, kindness and empathy become an essential part of who they are.

The process

choose your
donation amount
(tax deductible)

daily dollar distributes
100% of your donations

stay informed
with regular updates


Yes. Donors will receive one tax deductible receipt at the end of each financial year.

The first step is to choose your donation amount ($1 per day is the minimum).

Your card will be charged on a monthly basis.

You will receive a tax deductible receipt via email for your donations at the end of the financial year.

Daily Dollar will act as your ‘tzedakah conduit’, distributing 100% of your donations equally between the beneficiary charities.

Daily Dollar will keep you informed with a weekly SMS and monthly email.

Daily Dollar will send you regular updates via text and email explaining which charities received your donations, how much they received, what the money will be used for and how you can get involved in other ways.

Understanding where your money is going, what sort of impact it is actually having and knowing that you always have the option to ‘opt out’ are important elements to the Daily Dollar team.

The Daily Dollar team interviews prospective charities and carefully reviews their financial statements to determine whether they meet our selection criteria and to understand their structure, operations, financials, vision and needs. 

Our charity selection criteria is as follows:

  • Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status
  • Provides benefit to the wider Jewish community
  • Reasonable and efficient allocation of funds and management of the organisation; and
  • The charity has a measurable financial need


Following the selection process, we remain in communication and receive regular updates from our beneficiary charities.

If you’re representing a charity and believe you might fit our selection criteria please reach out to us via the ‘Charities’ tab. We would love to hear from you!

Of course! There will always be an option to cancel your donation ‘subscription’ with Daily Dollar.

To manage your donation, click here to access the donor portal.